29. Quadrants of the Zodiac
The Quadrants Of The Zodiac
The quadrants of the zodiac, formed by the seasons, show the process of unfolding life. Out of the deep restfulness of Winter, life is born and expressed throughout the warm, extroverted seasons of Spring and Summer. Together, they form the personal hemisphere of the zodiac, which represents the individuation of beings and the first half of a human life.
1. The Spring quadrant of the zodiac, beginning at Aries, emphasizes individual development and expression. It represents our childhood and lasts throughout our first Jupiter cycle until puberty (~12 yrs). In this time of rapid growth and transformation, we instinctively experience the world of the senses. We are here in the prime of our emotional lives, with easy access to joy and self-confidence.
2. The Summer quadrant of the zodiac emphasizes personal ambition and worldly desire. It represents our youth, which spans our most fruitful childbearing years and ends at our first Saturn return (~30 yrs). In this time of ripening, we seek to find our place in the world and gain fulfillment through relationships. Here, we are in the prime of our physical abilities, with optimum attractiveness and health.
Fall and Winter are the cool, introverted seasons. Together, they form the collective hemisphere of the zodiac, which represents the unification of beings and the second half of life.
3. The Fall quadrant of the zodiac, beginning at Libra, emphasizes intellectual activity. It represents our adulthood and lasts until retirement at our second Saturn return (~60 yrs). In this phase of fulfillment, we take part in the objective decision making of groups and the cultural development of society. Here, we are at our peak of maturity, as we gain understanding and influence in the world.
4. The Winter quadrant of the zodiac emphasizes spiritual attunement. It represents old age, typically lasting until our Uranus return (~84 yrs). In this phase of reflection and awakening, we assess the value and meaning of our lives. Here, we are most intuitive, as we gain wisdom from within and imagine new possibilities.
Personal Hemisphere:
1. Individual: Spring, Morning, Childhood, Physical Plane (action)
2. Relational: Summer, Afternoon, Youth, Astral Plane (desire)
Collective Hemisphere:
3. Group: Fall, Evening, Adulthood, Mental Plane (ideas)
4. Universal: Winter, Night, Old Age, Spiritual Plane (wisdom)