Quantum Physics

There are three scientific facts about light that have been discovered over the past century and have the potential for revolutionizing our view of reality. Mainstream physicists assume that the universe has an objective existence. Once this assumption is removed, the conclusions reached are remarkably consistent with ancient spiritual teachings.


1) Wave-Particle Duality

It was discovered through the ‘double-slit’ experiment that photons of light behave like waves when not being observed and behave like particles when being observed. In other words, only through observation do photons come into actual existence in a specific place. Otherwise, they remain in the form of wave potential. This has also been discovered to be true of atoms and molecules, leading to the conclusion that all physical reality only exists due to the act of focused attention.


It was discovered by Einstein through experiment that photons of light behave like waves when not in contact with other particles and behave like particles when in contact with other particles.  In other words, only through contact do photons come into actual existence in a specific place. Otherwise, they remain in the form of potential. This has also been discovered to be true of atoms and molecules leading to the conclusion that all physical reality only exists due to the relationship of its parts.  Imagine yourself existing but with nothing to observe.  You would not exist at all except as thought and potential.


2) Speed of Light

It was discovered through experiment that light always moves at the same speed, regardless of the initial motion.

Imagine a plane moving towards a beam of light. Classical physics will tell you that the speed of light viewed from the plane should seem faster. But this is not the case! Similarly, the speed of light should seem slower to a plane moving away from the light beam. However, light is always timed at the exact same speed!

This was a shocking discovery which perplexed physicists and eventually led to Einstein’s theory of relativity. His explanation was that the time measuring devices must have been influenced by their own movement in such a way that they measure exactly the same speed of light. However, this is hypothetical since it is not known how this could happen. (It has been shown that clocks are slow when moving at high speeds, probably due to increased pressure.)

Here is a different hypothesis which can serve as an explanation. If you are moving in a car, what are the only things which seem to move at the same relative speed no matter how fast or in what direction you go? Of course, the 
car itself and anything in the car. When you move, light also moves at the same speed relative to you regardless of your change in speed or direction. Therefore, light must be connected with us in some intimate way.  Could it be that light is a manifestation of our consciousness?

The universe has been compared to a hologram which continually changes at the speed of light. The source of the hologram is our individual minds! Yes, the universe is entirely created by each of us as individuals and corresponds with every other mind on the planet. This correspondence is due to our common source in a universal mind.


3) Nonlocality

It has been shown through experimentation that photons can be split into pairs spinning in opposite directions. When one member of the pair has its direction altered the other member shifts its direction in an equivalent manner, even when great distances apart. This is called quantum entanglement. The problem, however, is that the photons communicate to each other at a speed greater than light. There could have been no physical communication between the photons since nothing can move faster than light. Therefore, it must be that they have another form of communication. There must be something connecting the photons beyond space and time, an underlying nonphysical reality with the quality of oneness.



Einstein’s theory of relativity includes the example of a spaceship flying away from earth at the speed of light. Since light travels at a set speed, the signals coming from the ship will take longer and longer to get to us. This will create the impression of the ship’s time slowing down from our perspective. The idea goes that when the ship returns to earth we will have seen more time elapse than the ship’s crew who will be younger.

However, the light that the ship will receive from the earth will also seem to slow down to them since it will take light longer to get to them as well. Relative to each other, both the earth and the ship are moving at the speed of light, away from each other. Additionally, since time is a function of moving light which moves at the same speed regardless of the individual’s movement, the same amount of time will be experienced by both the earth and the ship.

Thus, time travel is nothing but a myth. Time is experienced at the same speed to all individuals everywhere in the universe. This is experienced as everyone’s reality flowing at a pace viewed as normal to them.