The Great Ages
The Great Ages
The Great Ages are measured by the Precession of the Equinoxes, which is the shifting of alignment between the Tropical zodiac, used by Western astrologers, and the Sidereal zodiac used by Vedic astrologers. The Tropical zodiac is based on the positions of the Earth as it travels around the Sun. The Sidereal zodiac is based upon the positions of the constellations in our galaxy.
These two zodiacs are currently not in alignment. As the Earth wobbles in a circular motion on its axis, the location within our solar system where Spring begins gradually changes, relative to our galaxy. As a result, the Tropical Zodiac shifts from the Sidereal zodiac. This occurs at a rate of approximately 1 degree every 72 years taking 25,765 years to complete an entire cycle.
The last time the two zodiacs were aligned was approximately 300 AD. The exact date is not known because the beginning of the Sidereal zodiac can not be specifically located. In fact, there are at least 14 different points in use, which vary by as many as 8 degrees. This amounts to a 530 year difference for timing the shift of the Spring Equinox into a new sign in the Sidereal zodiac. This creates great uncertainty for those doing Vedic astrology, especially since harmonic charts are an integral part of that system.
For ages, astrologers have speculated that when the Spring Equinox moves into each sign in the Sidereal zodiac a new phase of human existence will ensue. It takes 2,147 years for each sign to be completed.
In the year 2014, estimates for the Spring Equinox, which is the beginning of the 1st degree of Aries in the Tropical zodiac, put it between the 2nd and 10th degree of Pisces in the Sidereal zodiac. Most astrologers view the Tropical zodiac as spinning clockwise inside the Sidereal zodiac. Accordingly, the signs are traversed in reverse order. This is the reason that it is believed humanity is leaving the Age of Pisces and entering the Age of Aquarius about 400 years from now.
However, I as well as other notable astrologers such as Dane Rudyar believe that the Ages progress in the usual forward order. From this perspective, it is the Sidereal zodiac which revolves counter-clockwise around the Tropical zodiac and is now somewhere between the 20th and 28th degree of Aries. This would mean that we are now actually in the Age of Aries and entering into an Age of Taurus.
The Nature of Astrology
Astrology is a subjective science that derives information from the objective universe. Are the Sun and Moon the same size? Of course not, but to astrologers they bear equal weight since they are the same size to our eyes. Do planets actually move backwards? Obviously not, but from our perspective they do and astrologers interpret such retrograde planets to have special meaning. Can Mercury and Venus be in opposite sides of the solar system? Of course, but from the view of planet Earth they are never very far apart.
The point is that, in astrology, all planetary movements are interpreted according to their appearance... not the reality. This is why science has such a difficult time with astrology. However, quantum physics itself states that our subjective consciousness is largely responsible not only for how we interpret objective reality, but what actually occurs in reality.
Since everything in astrology is viewed from our perspective, then we should also view the movement through the constellations from our perspective, using our Tropical zodiac as the measure of change. Objectively, we are wobbling around the solar system causing the Tropical zodiac to rotate backwards across the constellations. But astrology is subjective and, therefore, the constellations must be interpreted as moving forward through the Tropical zodiac from Aries though Pisces.
The Stages of Civilization
The Age of Scorpio, from about 10,400 – 8,300 B.C., was during at the time of the Fertile Crescent. The domestication of plants and animals brought about an agricultural revolution. This key step in the development of human civilization made possible an increased food supply and an accompanying growth of population and allowed nomads and cave dwellers to become farmers and herders.
The creation of surplus commodities enabled the Age of Sagittarius (8,300 – 6,100 B.C.) to follow. Humans proceeded to spread the globe searching for new opportunities.
From about 6,100 – 4,000 BC was the Age of Capricorn. The occupation of the Babylonia was begun. Because of inadequate rainfall the inhabitants of the lower valley had to resort to irrigation in order to farm the land. Irrigation required a highly organized governmental structure to mobilize and direct the efforts of the workers. At the same time, a lack of stone, wood, metals, and other commodities led the people of the southern valley to develop industry in order to produce goods that could be traded for the materials needed and to develop an extensive trade with the outside world. The southern valley's more complex economy, coupled with its more productive agriculture, induced a more sizable increase in population and brought the rise of large villages, even cities.
About 4,000 – 1,800 BC was the Age of Aquarius. The was the time of the Sumerians who organized a system of flood control and a pattern of irrigation and created an enduring writing system (cuneiform), religious literature, architectural form, and economic organization.
About 1,800 – 300 AD was the Age of Pisces. This is when the religious traditions of Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism were developed as spiritual paths. The Greek Philosophers lived in this era and were largely responsible for inventing astrology. Jesus, who was known as the fish, became the symbol for this age and his execution by the Romans indicated that the Arian Age was coming.
At about 300 AD the Age of Aries began. The Roman Empire attained dominance and, after its demise, large portions of humanity entered into what is known as the Dark Ages. This time was marked by violence, ignorance and suffering. To this day, we are still struggling with our own selfishness and barbarism. The religions of Christianity and Islam were developed in this age as salvations from sin.
At about 2,400 AD the Age of Taurus will begin. This age will either be marked by peace, beauty and pleasure gained through the physical universe or poverty and ignorance.